Amusing and Odd Things to Do

Destruction Derby - Got tensions? Got pent up emotions? Feel like you are going to explode? The antidote: the Destruction Derby pages from Psygnosis. Take the destructive force of your choice (sledgehammer, ax, dynamite, chainsaw) and let loose those emotions on an old wreck!

Fantasy Sports Page - Into fantasy football or basketball- then this place is for you.

GirlTech - Just for Girls!

Lite Board Page - Feeling down? Feeling dark? Let this page "briten" your day. Plug away at your own Lite Board art and publish it, or stroll through the gallery of others' work. For the old fogies out there, revisit your childhood - Lite Brite on line.

MIT Mad Lib Editor - What do you get when you randomly mix words into a pre-existing story? Mad Libs. These crazy kids at MIT have put together an online version of the wacky particle of speech party game. Give it a try and see what you _________(verb) when you _____________ (verb) _____________ (plural noun) for ____________ (plural noun).



Bored? How about these Board Games?


Chess LivE!


Cheats? - Hints and Tips are here for You

32 Bit Hint Spot

Cheats, Hints and Tips -

Cheats Zone

Cheater's Guild

Spoiler's Page


Contests, Contestants, and Cool Prizes

AceKids Contest Page

ContestClub Page


Downloads: If you've got the Time, We've got the Links

Cheesy Software

CNet Shareware

Download Now!

Duncan's Downloads


The Game Page Downloads

NessySoft Shareware

ZDNet Shareware


Get Shocked! - Get Shockwave and you'll be good to go!

3D Netris

CleverMedia's Arcade

Clown Bomb - got something against clowns...then blow them away

Daily Tortoise  - Multiplayer

Draw a Nerd - Thanks to those dudes at Macromedia you can draw your own nerd...

Duck Hunt - Target Practice

GameLands Games

Phenomenon Intelligence Test

ShockWave Guide To Shocked Sites

TaterMan - Assemble the tater guy

Toru's Shockwave Arcade


Riddle Me This! - Brain Benders and Net Puzzles and Testing Trivia

The Contact Project - Translate a message from an alien civilization! The text is heavy, but the challenge is sweet. If you've got a few moments and you want to stretch your noodle, take a look.

Dr. Knowledge Trivia

The MathSoft Puzzler

The Maze - Looking for a brain stumper. This is the place to go. Scan through riddles and clues as you enter this text-heavy maze. Try not to get too lost!

Planet Lunch Crosswords

Plenty O' Puzzles

Riddle Du Jour

The Sphinx

Trivial Waste of Time


Strategic AND Social - Multiplayer Games on the Web

Avalon - This multiplayer environment

Club Salsa Murder Mystery - This murder mystery online will take you into the world of the private dick and eject you from it again in a matter of minutes if you can't keep up.

Mission Impossible Online - A little espionage. A little intrigue. A bag 'o tricks.


SPQR - This Pathfinder adventure send you back to ancient roman times.


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