
So you've made it this far, huh? Well, here are the rules then.

First of all, you don't have to be a registered Fledgling in order to view Post Host and all that it offers. Feel free to cruise around all you want, BUT if you want to add anything of your own (and who wouldn't?), you will need to sign-up for a Fledge account (if you already have an account you just need to logon). If you've got a burning question in need of an answer, or if you've got the perfect answer for someone who has posted a question; if you're an artist, writer, story-teller or just a gossip-monger then you'd better go sign-up now so that you can be part of the fun we call Fledge!

The most important rule that any Fledgling must remember is to Have Fun. That's what Post Host is all about: having fun, being creative and making friends.

Well, OK, there are a few other rules too. Please read 'em and if you agree, then click on the "I dig" button below.

By participating in Post Host, I agree that I will:

  • not give out any personal information to anyone, for any reason. This includes my real name, home address, telephone number and school name or location. Additionally, I agree not to reveal anyone else's personal information. (Don't even try, we won't post it.)

  • treat my fellow Fledglings with respect, just as I would like to be treated.

  • not impersonate others.

  • not use language or discuss subjects that might upset others or may be deemed improper by the powers that be.
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